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Baby Gifting
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Discovering the Joy in Parenthood: from Our Founder, Gian Singh - Mi Arcus

Discovering the Joy in Parenthood: from Our Founder, Gian Singh

Discovering the Joy in Parenthood: from Our Founder, Gian Singh

Our Founder, Gian Singh speaks about "Making Parenthood Joyful"

‘’When I first held my child in my arms, I felt a strong surge of love and responsibility- a feeling I’d never experienced before, having held a precious life-my baby with such small eyes and cute little hands. I experienced pure love at first sight! And adding to the happiness were my friends and family, who filled the atmosphere with joy and showers of love and blessings.

When my baby first grasped my finger with his hand, I became aware of my big responsibility: to keep him safe and healthy, educate him, and provide him with a financially secure future.

In the sudden waves of emotions, I had become a very responsible father.’’

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